Modern Misuse of An Old Fashioned Word: Gentleman

Nothing gets my panties in a humongous wad like when I hear the term gentleman being misused and tossed around so cavalier today. It's like society has had some big brain fart in the past 40 years or so and forgotten what defines a gentleman. Here's some cringe worthy, misplaced examples of the term that I've heard in the news during this past week:

*A woman on Oprah who adopted a child from Haiti talked about an incident with a "gentleman" who "stared so intently" at her daughter with disgust like he did not approve of a white couple adopting a child of color.

*A woman who recognized a census worker at her door as a sex offender referred to the creep as a gentleman when describing the incident on Good Morning America.

*From a police report: "When police entered the gentleman's home, they discovered numerous human body parts in the freezer."

SCREEEECH!!! No, no, no! This won't do! (And by the way, I made up that last one just to prove a point.) Anyone who commits a crime - especially those that sexually violate or physically hurt others - is NOT, I repeat, NOT, a gentleman! A man who does not treat others with respect is NOT a gentleman. Someone who brags about his sexual escapades and himself in general is NOT a gentleman. When will the media, law enforcement, and the general public get this???

A gentleman, is, in fact, someone who is truly gentle - duh. Who knew. Thanks for putting up with the public service announcement.

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