I Just Wasn't Made For These Times, Sign #1

Sign #1 that I just wasn't made for these times: I'm noticing lately that I'm getting more and more behind on the latest technology. Furthermore, I just don't care. 

Case in point: earlier this week I was told some people in my company would be receiving new business cards. We're in the middle of a large rebranding effort so this was also a chance to freshen up the card's design a bit. And that's when a few people in my department mentioned that we should include a "QR code" on the business cards. 

I had NO idea what a QR code was. Never saw a mention of them in the news or in a magazine. If I'd seen one before, I wouldn't have known it. I also had no intentions of admitting this to the group. "Sure, I'll look into putting a QR code on the cards," I told them - then immediately went to my old friend, Google, for assistance. 

It turns everyone who owns a smartphone probably knows (which would include the entire planet except for me and that newly discovered ancient tribe in South America) a QR code is a barcode that can be linked to something...a website, landing page, offer, etc. When you scan it with your smartphone it takes you to the link. 

I think it looks like a graphic from an Atari 2600 game. What do you think? 
Then I was told that some people in the company would be receiving different QR codes because they sell specifically for different divisions. This means our printer would have to print special shells for these two folks because of the different codes required on their cards. So now it's just creating extra work, and it takes up space on the cards.

I also learned this week that these QR codes are practically the wave of the future - they're popping up everywhere, especially on business cards. 

It's enough to make my mind swirl. I just find the whole concept exhausting and unnecessary. Since when does every damn piece of personal real estate space become extra advertising? I've had to ask myself that if I had a smartphone, would I really bother to scan every QR code in site? Perhaps I would...I've been avoiding upgrading my phone until I really have to. For me personally, I just don't see the point in having a communications gadget turned on 24/7, but maybe once I get one I'll feel differently. Who knows. Speaking of smartphones, if you were to ask me what the hottest model/trends are I'd have no clue. I keep hearing about the Android, but I can't tell you what makes it so cool compared to say, the iPhone. We are beyond the saturation point if you ask me.

It was fun and exciting when during the 80s we saw some cool technology advances, such as VCRs and the Sony Walkman. However, I think we've reached a point where technology has invaded every moment of our lives. Everyone is expected to keep that Blackberry on, even after work hours and at night.

My work requires that I keep on top of the latest technology to an extent, but frankly it's hard for me to get excited because I feel like there are more important things in life that matter. I saw this presentation the other day on SlideShare that predicted the top 100 hottest things and trends for 2011, and one of them was actually rehab for technology addicts. I could see that happening...and I'm grateful that my chances of entering one by this point are rather slim.

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