Why I Should Be Dating A Hippie

A few weeks ago, I did a stupid thing: I posted a profile to It was a snap decision during a momentary relapse of loneliness one weekend. Waiting for responses to come in was about as exciting as listening to crickets chirp (actually, listening to bugs make audible noises is more stimulating than online dating.) One or two would trickle in per day, and none of the prospects were even remotely attractive, except for one that I totally messed up before it even had a chance to get off the ground (long story, but I mistook something that he said to mean that he was a diehard party boy. Or maybe he really is – who knows.)

One of my friends who proofed the profile before I put it up (and who initially told me it was perfect) later said that I was “too retro.” There was a mention of this blog in it – not by name – and a mention of my love for retro pop culture and old music, and I slammed modern technology a bit, and my opening line was actually “Do You Believe In Magic?” (I told you this was a moment of desperation!) which only one guy got (one clueless wonder actually asked me if Walk Away Renee was the name of the band who sung the song!!! Striiiike!) Long story short, I disabled my profile until I can rewrite the darned thing and turn myself a dishonest person by deleting everything out of it that makes me me, but which could turn potential suitors off.

I used to think for years that I wanted an average looking, regular man with a good personality…maybe a divorced dad with a couple of older kids. But lately, after evaluating everything about me when it comes to describing myself I wonder if I should really be dating a hippie. I realize in the year 2010 “hippie” is an ambiguous term, and I’m not sure what defines a person as a hippie anymore. And please note that I’m not defining in terms of extremes – this guy has to hold a decent job, not be living a yurt up in the mountains of New Hampshire, and he must have good personal hygiene (one of the match questions that OKCupid actually asks you is how often do you brush your teeth and how often should your ideal match brush their teeth and some of the choices actually include less than once a week…and…NEVER. SHUDDER.)

So here are the reasons why I’m thinking a hippie, aka retro guy is a good match for me, after all:

*I’m not really into the whole technology thing.
Let me clarify – we all need computers, the Internet, and gadgets. I also plan on upgrading to a better cell phone very soon. What I’m not sure of is being addicted to a mobile device and using it 24 hours/day. I’m sure you’ve all heard of surveys where people admit the first thing they reach for when they wake up in the morning is their Blackberry, and not their significant other? I’m sorry, but I want to come first before a piece of electronics. That is just sad to me. The professional guy who holds a high profile career is probably going to need to leave his iPhone on at all hours. Not sure if I can deal with that to be honest. A hippie guy is probably more likely to have hobbies where his hands make something other than text messages…like furniture or music. 

*I think nature and being outdoors is a gas
When I go for my lunchtime walk at work, I love listening to the birds chirp – truthfully! – and paying attention to the beauty of our office park. You may be thinking WTF…it’s an office park…but when I’ve just spent the good portion of three and a half hours staring at a computer screen, the carefully landscaped lawns and gardens are like visual manna to me. We also have a brook that runs behind a few of the office buildings and I like to stop and watch it for a few seconds. It’s also a time to check out any cute guys driving by in cars (bonus if they’re checking me out!) or who are also outside walking. The last thing I’d be doing during this time is yakking into a phone. I need this small reconnection with nature, every day if I can. Someone who can appreciate these simple pleasures with me (well, except for checking out cute guys) would be sweet, as well as someone who likes an outdoor activity/sport or two, like light hiking, biking, or cross country skiing.

My dream date would actually be something like this: I don’t have to be taken to a fancy restaurant. I’d make a picnic meal, and we’d go to a nice park or reserve to eat, maybe I’d practice my guitar, and then we’d take a nap in the shade while listening to the birds chirp. I’d get to rest my head on his chest. No iPads, no distractions…that would be a great day!

*I believe in God
I was amazed to see so many atheists on OKCupid…that is a huge dealbreaker for me, and I refuse to let anyone tell me that I’m being picky when it comes to matching on spiritual matters. I was raised Catholic and still attend mass a few times a month with my mother to make her happy – and mainly because we belong to the COOLEST Catholic parish (I’m serious…headed by an equally cool gay priest who doesn’t push ANY controversial Catholic topics onto his parishioners.) However, I don’t abide by any Catholic rules and for the past few years I’ve mainly been a follower of the law of attraction and positive thinking, and totally believe that each of us has a connection to the Universe, a higher power, source, God, whatever you want to call it. I also believe in life after death and happy life at that. Cannot be romantically involved with an atheist under any circumstances…it would not end well. Hippies to me always seemed the God loving type – after all, they had long hair like Jesus.

*And speaking of long hair….
Time to get shallow for a minute. I’ve always had a secret love for long hair on men. Not so long that you look like George Harrison on the cover of All Things Must Pass, but just a little something for me to hold onto, or run my fingers through, is nice. One of my favorite dates was with a guy years ago who had a neatly pulled back ponytail and sideburns (and, oh yeah, I think most people know I have a fixation for sideburns, too.) Unfortunately he stopped to urinate on a tree right in front of me during the hike we were on and there were some other issues with him, but I must admit he was lovely to look at, and he also made a point of saying hello to every single person that we passed along the walk. I’ve never gone out with another guy since who had that quality, but it was nice to be with someone who cared enough about other people to make it a point to acknowledge every stranger. But yeah, where was I going with this? Oh yeah, a little bit long hair and sideburns is a definite plus!

*Make love, not war
Sex? Yes, please! Enough said on that.

*My beauty routine is low maintenance
Have you ever seen a hippie with a Dolly Parton type? Well the good news I think, compared to other women, I’m low maintenance when it comes to making myself presentable. That isn’t to say I don’t like to feel pretty and don’t like getting dressed and dolled up. I definitely do when the occasion asks for me, and I always get compliments on my clothes in work and elsewhere. What I mean is I’m really light on the makeup. I’ve never paid anyone to get a manicure or a pedicure. I never paint my fingernails – I hate the smell of nail polish removed and I don’t think the chemicals are good for you…AND because I’m learning the guitar I have to keep the nails on my left hand short anyway. My bob haircut is really easy to wash and style. Most of the time, I throw on something casual but flattering. A natural woman, like Aretha Franklin sang. In other words, I’m easy…ha, not easy like that….but easy like Sunday morning, like Lionel Ritchie. And that’s another thing…I think I’m a pretty easy-going person. That’s not to say I’m not opinionated and won’t let you know about it, but generally I’m careful about not rocking the boat. Definitely not a self-centered beyatch.

That’s about it. The only thing I am against is smoking and heavy drug use. I suppose I’d have to put up with a modern day hippies taking a few puffs of pot once in a while, but eh, maybe a few puffs would do me good by this point, too. All you need is love?

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